My name is Murphy Law. Yeah, yeah. I've heard it a million times. I can't blame my parents for my name because I don't have any. Yeah, I'm one of those.
"A test tube was my mother, my father was a knife." So, we're guilty of plagiarism. Girl Friday by Robert A. Heinlein. Sci-fi writer from the early twentieth century.
No, I'm not a clone. Clones are different . . . or should I say clones are all the same. They have about three hundred basic types for clones.
No, I'm not super intelligent or anything like that. I wish. I'm part of a natural control group of human genes. Put simply, I'm your average "Joe" just born a little differently.
H.U.R.T. changed my life. It gave me purpose. A goal to work towards, acceptance, peers to call my own . . . and all that. See, I didn't know . . . I wasn't in the inner circle. I didn't know our orders got mangled.
Maybe I should have guessed by our name "Hackers United against Restrictive Taxation" or H.U.R.T. for short. See, I didn't know the virus would wipe out the entire network of the United Global Government's tax records. I certainly didn't foresee the total collapse of government or a return to barbarism. It was just a little mistake . . .