In the Family Way

  "Welcome, Paul.  It was too bad of Elaine, not to tell us . . . young people in love do not behave prudently."

 Paul Dumond smiled. He took Mrs. Martin's thin, bloodless hand in his, masking his revulsion at the contact.

 "Grandma, please — "  Elaine's eyes held mute appeal.

 "Leave us."

 Paul's amazement left him speechless as his wife meekly followed her mother and aunts out.

 Most peculiar.  All widows.

 "Come and sit, Paul." Mrs. Martin's smile chilled him.  He wanted to jump up and run. Get the hell out.  "Elaine has been estranged for some time. Her mother was concerned, but I knew, Elaine would return."  Another cadaverous grimace.  "You and Elaine have been married, two months?"

 Paul nodded.

 "Elaine's pregnant."

 "How did you — "

 "Intuitive powers are strong in our family."

 Paul's scepticism showed.

 Mrs. Martin offered a glass of wine.  Paul accepted, hoping the wine would settle his nerves.

 Paul sipped the dark, red Burgundy and immediately felt the soothing effects.  He rubbed impatiently at his neck, the nape of which, was tingling.

 Old Witch.

 "Unfortunately, your marriage wasn't sanctioned.  Elaine will keep the baby, she will be Elaine's first daughter . . . but . . . "  Regret evident on her thin face. "The price children pay for rebellion can be heavy, very heavy, indeed."

 Paul slumped, sliding down bonelessly.

The last thing he heard before losing consciousness was the old witch's voice:

 "We must prepare the sacrifice.  Stop that snivelling, Elaine.  If you truly cared to keep him, you would never have returned . . ."

Copyright © 1997  Genevieve Brown